Mobile evolution has been raised in each and every field of life. A maximum number of people are shifting from their desktops to mobile phones. Corresponding to this shift, every business website is also making a big shift to its Mobile-version. Google has clearly stated that now the mobile version of every website will be given equal priority as the desktop version. A new indexing rule ‘mobile-first index’ has been rolled out by Google. According to this rule, the mobile version of any new or already existing website would equally affect its ranking signals now.
Hence, every business website needs now to be more specific for their mobile audience. Read the quick and effective ways for optimizing your business website ready for Google’s mobile-first index.
- Loading Speed – Everyone likes the website which takes less time to load properly. Generally, the best loading time is considered to be less than 2 seconds. Similar is the case with mobile versions too. Your website’s loading speed can be optimized by – a. Image Optimization- Don’t include larger images which take more to load and make your website slow. b. Minimal Code- Once you’re done with coding part, recheck the code to remove all unnecessary characters without making any changes to the functionality. c. Control Browser Caching- Apply leverage to browser caching so that it doesn’t have any effect on your website loading speed.
- CSS, JavaScript or Images – Previously it was needed to block the CSS, JavaScript or Images. Blocking these elements was considered to be a good parameter for getting better output. But now there is no need to do this. The newly developed mobile phones are more powerful than the ordinary computers. Smartphone’s Googlebot can handle any type of CSS or JavaScript easily.
- Mobile Based On-Page Optimization – With mobile-first index rule, there would a narrow list of SERPs. You need to optimize your website’s mobile-version properly for the Meta tittles and descriptions. This will open the doors of Googlebot for understanding you better, resulting in improved CTR and website rankings.
- Responsive Design – Since the start till now, we have seen lots of changes in the Search Engine Optimization world. It has been transitioned from just the ranking signals to much more in terms of Web and Mobile Designs, Web Development Code etc. For Google’s mobile-first indexing, the mobile design of your website should be optimized this way – a. Instead of using Flash elements, use of HTML5 or Java to add extra effects in your website. b. Don’t fill your website’s mobile-version with number of pop-ups. It increases bounce rate and decreases website ranking and engagement. c. Make sure that your website mobile-version is finger-touch friendly. There should not be any type of annoying taps on the mobile screen of the user.
- Local Optimization – Google’s September month update ‘Possum’ was a massive update, especially for the local search algorithm. Businesses which want redirection of their online audience to their physical stores need to locally optimize their website’s mobile-version. To increase your mobile visibility, you should add the particular city and state name in your website’s title, description and H1 tag, URL and content of the web page. Adding business NAP (Name, Address, and Phone Number) is also beneficial.
If you haven’t moved to mobile-version for your business website till now, it is the right time to follow all the above-written rules. This would improve your business visibility in mobile searches too.
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