How your Ecommerce store may look and function, achieving your ROI goals majorly depends on the ease of transaction experienced by a customer. A payment gateway is a powerful way to ensure hassle free payments and to reassure the visitors of your e-commerce store about your trustworthiness. In short, a payment gateway is an eCommerce element that allows a customer/merchant to use internet transactions via credit/debit cards, securely. A bad payment gateway results in bad payment options, ultimately leading to a decline in the total sales. The server can also be a challenge in having a smooth payment gateway and we usually use Bluehost or Amazon Web Services.
The following is a list of best payment gateways that can aid your e-commerce business, depending on your requirements.
CC Avenue CC Avenue is one of the biggest payment gateway providers in India, with over 85% e-commerce business that currently run on the engine. The platform includes 100+ payment options, Multiple Currency Processing, Retry Availability & Customization, Audit, Analytics and a large window for active users. If the website is already live, one can integrate the CC Avenue payment gateway for free.
Citrus Incepted by Satyen Kothari and Jitendra Gupta, Citrus is a 4 year old venture that aims to make online payment quick and effective. The platform also incorporates firm safe transaction protocols and is available at a monthly rental of Rs.7,000, Rs.10,000, and Rs.15,000, with varying benefit limits to bridge e-commerce business needs.
Direcpay Direcpay is an arm of the Times Group. It is essentially the safest payment gateway in India. The PCI DSS certified and Norton Secure gateway offers easy integration to ecommerce business, a simple registration and a flexible payment process, besides providing EMI options. However, Direcpay requires 5 days for account activation, after the documents are verified by concerned authorities.
Google Google Wallet is a simplified platform to send and receive money. The Google Wallet Card which is linked to a user’s account can also be used a retail businesses. Since most of the world’s population is already addicted to the Big G, the ease of online payment can be left unexplained. Merged in 2011 with Google Wallet, Google Checkout allows users to use their mobile devices to pay for products (at agreed-upon locations) and enables the sale/transfer of funds through an automated process. In addition, customers can use Google Checkout to send and receive money through Gmail attachments. As most of the digital audience have gone mobile, Google Wallet can be a prudent gateway for an e-commerce business.
PayPal Processing close to 8 million payments every day, PayPal is one of the most widely used payment gateways in the world. Request and transfer of payments are very easy, as the platform has over 137 million active accounts across 193 markets, compatible with 26 currencies around the world. PayPal also offers perks like uploading of cheques through your smartphone’s camera and completion of transaction without having to exit the website. PayPal is a natural choice for Indian e-commerce businesses that have a large number of international customers.
PayU Marking an impressive conversion rate of 12% and world-wide presence, PayU is one of the fastest growing payment gateways in India. With noteworthy customer service, PayU has roped in e-commerce biggies like Jabong and Snapdeal into their clientele. The platform offers four pricing packages that vary in covering aspects like Risk Management System, Multi Currency Gateway, Mobile optimized payment page, IVR Payment, Store Card Feature and Payment Analytic. Your choice between the above mentioned payment gateways may vary depending on your e-commerce business field, size, and location. Though all of them have the capacity to adapt to various requirements, we would like you to share your personal experiences about payment gateway providers in India. Let us know if we have missed out anything, or which one is the best according to you.
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